Mama Pam

Pamela Williams
Contact Mama Pam to inquire
about special ways to contribute.

Ways to Give

Ile Omode thanks you greatly for considering a contribution to our school. There are multiple ways for interested individuals, families, groups, or companies to make a gift to Ile Omode. Please choose the method that works best for you. If you would like additional information regarding a gift or you have an idea which is not listed on this page feel to contact the business manager at (510) 632.8230.

Gifts-in-Kind are any gifts except cash, which can include material resources (such as a printer) or services (such as carpentry). For gifts we ask that you contact the school to determine if the gifts in question are needed, since, although all gifts are appreciated we want to ensure the gift will go to good use.

Planned Giving sometimes referred to as a deferred or estate gift, may also provide additional tax or financial benefits, although a tax adivsor should be consulted for specific information.

Gifts of Stock or securities are welcomed. Please contact the school before initiating any securities gift.

Matching Gifts are a great way to extend your giving. Many employers, either yours or a spouses' employer, will provide a matching gift and this may double or triple your original gift. Contact your company's human resources officer or department to determine if your company supports matching gifts. All matching gifts must be initiated through the employer.

eScrip is a retailer program, providing Ile Omode with a small percentage of your spending at select retailers.

Amazon offers a "Amazon Smiles" program to provide the school with a portion of your purchase price. To use the program, simply initiate your Amazon shopping by clicking here.

S.H.A.R.E.S. (Safemart Supermarkets) With the swipe of a S.H.A.R.E.S. card at any participating supermarket (SaveMart, Lucky, FoodMax and other Savemart family groceries), a portion of the qualified purchases will automatically be donated to our school (up to 3%). These donations go directly to our school's snack program. The more enrolled the greater the return.

BoxTops4Education is a family fun way to get children involved in raising money for Ile Omode. Thanks to families like the Richard's Family (Lawrence and Marley) Ile Omode is on its way to earning $1,000 each year which helps fund our Cafeteria program. Mama Marcia Shields is heading this program and very excited to get families signed up.