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Special Events Spotlight

Umoja Kwanzaa Celebration
Wo'se will host the kickoff event

Kick off the first day of Kwanzaa with an evening celebration hosted by Wo'se Community Church and its school, Ile Omode. Wo'se has hosted an Umoja (the first principle) celebration for over 30 years in the Bay Area, and this year will be another spirit-filled community celebration.

Baba Jahi

Umoja Night Celebration

Doors will open at 5:30 pm and the official program will begin at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 26. The program will be held at the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC) at 8200 International Blvd, in Oakland.

This year the organizers are offering a "Expo Extraordinaire", and participants will enjoy activites and vendors throughout the evening. One of the highly anticipated gaming activities is a Kwanzaa jeopardy and an arts and craft room for children.

Kwanzaa CD

Kwanzaa CD

The drum call will open up the festivities, and will be led by master drummer, Baba Tacuma King and community drummers. Youth from YGB (Young, Gifted and Black) will perform as well as performances from Ile Omode students.

Guests are invited to bring a dish to share, although no pork or beef dishes are allowed. Due to allergies among a number of children we also ask guest to not bring any products containing nuts of any kind.

Enjoy Kwanzaa songs from Wo'se minister emeritus, Minister Mxolisi Ozo-Sowande. See the sample below, or purchase the song from a number of vendors, including cdbaby and Barnes and Noble one or more songs from the CD.

For more information about the program contact Mama Pamela Williams at (510) 632-8230 or via email at Pamela.Williams@ileomode.org.

  • Baba Tacuma and drummers

  • Young, Gifted and Black performing

  • Ile Omode dancers

  • A huge community celebration

  • Mama Pam and Baba Oba T'Shaka